Saturday, April 28, 2012

On the Drawing Board-Owl Clipart Coming

One of the biggest questions I seem to get as a designer is how did you come up with your idea for your design! Alot of times I can be driving down the road and see something that inspires me but more often than not I get ideas when I sleep. I have no idea why lol I literally have to keep pen and paper by my bedside so when I wake up at night I can write down my ideas and not forget them by morning.

When this first started happening to me I would wake up after my dream and be like Oh that was a great idea can't wait to work on that in the morning! One big problem I couldn't remembered what I dreamt about in the morning. LOL So After a bit of trial and error we learned that I must have my cellphone near by or pen and paper. 

But today's drawing board is an easy one! Owls for some reason are HOT in the scrapbooking community and so I was off to draw my own unique and colorful owls. Each owl is colored after a scrapkit I am either creating or have created so it is easier that way. Hope to have this full sets out later today! Be sure to stop by our main site to purchase yours soon!


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